Board Roles & Responsibilities


The President is the executive officer responsible for the operation of the organization:
• She or he presides at meetings.
• Calls regular or special meetings of the Board or Membership.
• Appoints the four non-elected members of the Board and assigns to them the functions needed to discharge powers and responsibilities of the Board not otherwise assigned in these Bylaws.
• Appoints the Chairs of standing or special committees established by resolution of the Board.
• Is an ex-officio member of each standing or special committee except the Nominating Committee.


In the absence of the President, or in the event of his or her inability or refusal to act, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions on, the President. The Vice-President shall have other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these Bylaws, or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors


The Secretary maintains the official correspondence of the organization.

• Records, distributes and archives minutes of meetings.
• Maintains the official correspondence file of the organization.
• Is the designated recipient of correspondence to the organization and distributes appropriate information so received.
• Serves or causes to be served all notices of the organization.


The Treasurer shall have custody of the organization’s funds.

• Is responsible for the disbursement of fees, and payments.
• Shall have custody of the organization’s funds and shall keep, or cause to be kept, a full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements.
• Shall make available the accounts for an independent financial review or audit at the request of the Board.
• Advises the Board about the finances of the organization and assists in formulating the budgets for both regular and special activities.
• Prepares a summary of transactions, receipts and disbursements for each regular Board meeting and an annual financial report of operations for the annual meeting of the Membership.
• Chairs the Finance Committee if said committee is established by the Board.

Program Director Coordinator:

Publicity Coordinator collects information on all CSDS events and disseminates to appropriate media to ensure adequate coverage; the Program Director Coordinator shall:

1. Develop a list of bands and scout potential bands for hire.
2. Hire and schedule bands and DJs within guidelines set by the Board.
3. Plan calendar of activities.
4. Oversee scheduling of all events.
5. Work with graphic designer to lay out periodic flyers.
6. Oversee flyer table at dances.
7. Arrange beginner workshop at dances.
8. Arrange for tape music during breaks at dances.

Publicity Coordinator:

The Publicity Coordinator collects information on all CSDS events and disseminates to appropriate media to insure adequate coverage.

Link to CSDS Bylaws